Satellite symposium
On Thursday 25th April 2024 there will be an Amgen-sponsored satellite symposia from 13.30 to 14.30 hrs entitled:
From noise to knowledge: Combining social media conversation and AI to reveal lived experiences in Sjögren’s disease.
Organised and sponsored by Amgen.
The vast world of social media comprises conversations on many topics, including the challenges of living with chronic illnesses. A unique data source emerges within disease-focused online communities, blending clinical discourse with candid reflections on daily routines and challenges.
Using artificial intelligence, specifically natural language processing techniques, we will explore the impact of Sjögren’s disease on everyday life in a social media community. Our analysis will investigate the nuanced challenges this condition imposes on the daily lives of its community members.
We will then discuss the range of burdens experienced across multiple aspects of daily life by people living with Sjögren's disease during the workshop at the conference.
For whom:
Patients, clinicians, health professionals, and researchers who are attending ISSjD2024 are all welcome. No separate registration necessary for this satellite symposium.
Maria Picone, Co-founder and CEO of TREND community
Christopher DeFelice, Co-founder and CTO of TREND community
Chiara Baldini, Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Pisa, Italy
Julia Taylor, Person living with Sjogren’s Disease, and Amgen employee
ISSjD 2024
ISSjD 2024info@16issjd.com
ISSjD 2024ISSjD 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced